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When to Mow Lawn in Spring

    When to Mow Lawn in Spring

    As soon as winter’s dormancy subsides, your lawn requires attention. But is now the right time to dust off the mower?

    Various factors, including weather, will play a part in when it’s appropriate to mow your grass, depending on where you live. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Keep an eye on the forecast.


    No date marks the perfect moment for springtime lawn mowing; rather, it is important to assess various aspects of your grass’s condition to ensure it is ready.

    Typically, temperatures must consistently remain above 40 degrees Fahrenheit before attempting to cut your lawn. Doing so prematurely could damage or kill the grass.

    Once it warms up, grass begins to quickly and thicken more rapidly. To encourage optimal results and to minimize stress on the grass’s tissues, wait to cut until its height reaches three inches before cutting again. This will enable it to build strength while absorbing sunlight better and decreasing weed growth. Also important: remove leaves before mowing as these block sunlight and inhibit grass growth – keeping your yard beautiful and healthy all season long!


    A lush lawn is an integral component of the home landscape and an iconic symbol of the American dream. However, for it to flourish properly, it requires consistent care throughout the year – including timely mowing that promotes healthy grass growth and vitality.

    As winter winds down and there’s an anticipation of spring’s arrival, many homeowners consider rejuvenating their lawns with proper timing. Now is an excellent time to do just that. As winter subsides and homeowners sense it may soon be spring again, many consider pulling out their mowers and giving their yards some much-needed attention.

    Before beginning to mow, however, both soil and grass must be dry. Mowing wet lawns can result in uneven cuts that create clumps of grass clippings that smother the grass while encouraging disease – not to mention they clog mower blades and damage machinery itself! Therefore, bag your grass clippings until after regular mowing; that way, your machinery won’t become damaged from wet clippings clogging it up too much!


    Your lawn relies on solar energy for growth. By cutting too early, the energy that could go towards its roots gets diverted towards growing new blades instead, potentially stressing out and undermining its health – leaving it more susceptible to disease and pests.

    Experts advise waiting until grass reaches three inches to start cutting it with the mower, allowing its roots to establish themselves more fully while offering more protection from weeds.

    Mowing should only occur on dry lawns, as wet clippings can clog your mower or make the blade stick up unevenly. Furthermore, it’s wiser to mow early or late in the day so as not to disturb your neighbors with loud lawnmowers.


    The first step to getting your lawn ready for spring is cleaning up debris that has been amassed over winter. This includes leaves, twigs, and branches, which could harm or get caught in your mower and potentially cover turf, blocking sunlight and nutrients from reaching it. A leaf blower or rake are excellent tools for this task.

    Once the debris is cleared away, lower your mowing height by one set to remove dead grass blades and encourage new growth. Avoid scalping the turf as this may damage it or suffocate any hidden weed seeds in its depths.

    It may be useful to apply bio-stimulants such as BioMax to promote root growth at this stage. Nitrogen-based fertilizers must be avoided as these may leach into local creeks and rivers, polluting water supplies and damaging soil quality. A quality weed control program should offer consistent protection throughout spring and summer; a seven application schedule would be ideal.


    Timing is crucial when mowing your lawn in spring. Aim for the right balance between grass height and growth, typically when it reaches one-third above the recommended size. This promotes a healthier, more resilient lawn

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